A few female friends gather every new moon to honor our selves and our cycles. Inspired by the book The Red Tent, we have stitched together a collection of various shades of red fabrics which we often hoist to designate our meeting place. We've also tie-dyed dresses for the event... usually we eat well, do some creative project, just relax, and treasure our family and friendships. Contact Debra@Motherhouse.us or call 860-671-7945 if you'd like to join us.

The next new moon falls on April 26. We hope to continue our "Honoring our Foremothers" Book-Making project; a 5X5 accordion book celebrating women who have been personally influential, inspiring in our lives. After sharing stories about how the women we've chosen have uplifted and/or empowered us, we'll compose tributes to them.

For an astrological summary of the new moon's position visit

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Shana Tova

We danced in the Jewish new year... 5772!
Baked moon cakes for the first time.
Served tea
and feasted!
We'll be making more moon cakes next month on Oct 26, and as we near All Hallows Eve and the thinning of the veil between worlds, we'll put on masks to try out other ways of being, so we can
... decide
Which is right
Which is an Illusion*
(Moody Blues: Nights in White Satin)