A few female friends gather every new moon to honor our selves and our cycles. Inspired by the book The Red Tent, we have stitched together a collection of various shades of red fabrics which we often hoist to designate our meeting place. We've also tie-dyed dresses for the event... usually we eat well, do some creative project, just relax, and treasure our family and friendships. Contact Debra@Motherhouse.us or call 860-671-7945 if you'd like to join us.

The next new moon falls on April 26. We hope to continue our "Honoring our Foremothers" Book-Making project; a 5X5 accordion book celebrating women who have been personally influential, inspiring in our lives. After sharing stories about how the women we've chosen have uplifted and/or empowered us, we'll compose tributes to them.

For an astrological summary of the new moon's position visit

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lots o' Latke!

In honor of Hannuka, Tal and Aby made traditional latkes with potatoes and flour, Rachel made SCD latkes with carrots and parsnips.
Darwin helped set up the red tent
We feasted
Lynn and Dody made pressed cookies...
Rachel cut Margaret's bangs and pierced Debra's ears
our new look for a new moonth

Friday, November 25, 2011

This Little Light of Mine...

Coming into the darkest time of year, it seem only right to prepare by hand dipping beeswax Hanukkah/Solstice/Christmas candles. Warm, glowing, honey-gold, sweet smelling remembrance of summertime sunny days, working with beeswax is a light-giving miracle before one lights the tapers!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The October new moon marks the start of Dvaali, the Hindu New Year and Festival of Lights and we marked our doors with chalk in order to welcome in Lakshmi, Goddess of Prosperity.

We also painted brooms to take home and clean house from top to bottom in order to make way for new ideas, creativity, and Lakshmi's blessings of abundance.We joined Alicia celebrating her birthday and...
"Because it is also near All-Hallows Eve when the veil between worlds is thinnest, we brought in photos of our ancestors to honor. We shared stories and wishes from and for our fore bearers.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Shana Tova

We danced in the Jewish new year... 5772!
Baked moon cakes for the first time.
Served tea
and feasted!
We'll be making more moon cakes next month on Oct 26, and as we near All Hallows Eve and the thinning of the veil between worlds, we'll put on masks to try out other ways of being, so we can
... decide
Which is right
Which is an Illusion*
(Moody Blues: Nights in White Satin)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Friday, July 1, 2011

Good Tymes, Bye Lymes

Preparing "tea."
Whipping cream
reading poetry,
remembering our ancesters,
washing dishes to news from Wisconsin.
A very wiggly isosceles triangle.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wheel Visions

With stacks of old magazines, posterboard, scissors, and glue; Alicia guides us to imagine and represent our desires on "visioning wheels" for the April 3rd New Moon.

Darwin loves "PINK!"

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wash Day

A fun swim in the Geer pool and a good lunch at Grandma Jean's...

The February 2
new moon is the first evening of Adar, the twelvth month of the Jewish ecclesiastical year. It is a time of joy and renewed hope expressed during the full-moon celebration of Purim when Queen Esther courageously stepped forth to expose Haman's deceit and save her people. February 2 is also Ground Hog's Day, the midpoint between winter solstice and the spring equinox. Pagan rituals include setting out a loaf of bread and an ear of corn to entice the blessings of the goddess of swelling grain, Brigid and her white cow. Christians bless candles for "Candlemas" in honor of the day Mary first presented her son Jesus (the Light of the World) to the temple as part of her cleansing as a new mother. In New England, this is time farmer's hope their hay supplies are only half-way consumed for we are mid-way through winter.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Stirring Cycles

This January new moon marks the beginning of the Jewish month, Shevat. Trees are honored this month as they begin a new cycle of life. In the midst of winter's stillness, their sap starts flowing to the tips of their newest branches, brightening their color and ever so slightly causing their buds to swell. We quietly honored our cycles too. Darwin painted with watercolors for the first time with her older friend Margaret and with Margaret's older friend Rachel (Darwin's mother) as Rachel's older friend Debra (Margaret's mother) took pictures.
Rachel stitched a dowel into a weaving done by Debra's mother Jean to give it new life as a wall hanging.
Dody and Lynn stopped by and Dody took up trying to churn cream, (that wonderful gift from our cows' lactation cycle) into butter. When its unwillingness became apparent, she took it home to make into luscious cheese (with the help of microbial life cycles).

Rachel continued her sewing theme and created a hand-stitched maxi-pad out of fabric from one of Debra's old sheets, giving new life to an old "rag" while honoring her own cycle of life.