We set our tent in the branches of a mother maple at Local Farm... a rosy women's space; fluid and free, like our spirits on this warm and breezy day.... Then we repotted house plants
...giving them fresh soil and more space to grow and thrive...
...adding tokens and trinkets ... and a drink of fresh water.
...We finished our fun with a finale feast of pomegranate pops and blueberry muffins. For some, it was a triple header...
inTENTs Experience!
A complete solar eclipse occurred with this Pisces Super New Moon orbiting especially close to the earth, so that her gravitational pull on our bodies and psyches is especially strong. According to Simone Butler in Moon Circles, this astrological configuration is the perfect time to say NO to whatever things, relationships, actions, and habits that no longer serve our higher selves in order to make way for new insights, healing, and inspiration. She says, "Sometimes YES begins with NO," and recommends giving our souls space to grow and thrive, much like the plants we repotted!